World Wide Heuristic Solutions Forestry Software Downloads
Timber Cruise Windows desktop data processor and editor
Timber Cruise Windows desktop stand alove for HMS data processor and editor
Timber Cruise field data collection for Windows CE/Mobile
Timber Cruise field data collection for Windows Tablets
TCruise Android field data collection for Android
LogScale for the Windows desktop
LogScale for the Windows CE/Mobile
Tree Volume table and equation generator for Windows desktop
Tree Profile equation development for Windows desktop
MSU Cut-over Plantation Loblolly Pine Growth and Yield Model for Windows desktop
MSU/USFS Cut-over Plantation Slash Pine Growth and Yield Model for Windows desktop
MSU/USFS Natural Longleaf Pine Growth and Yield Model for Windows desktop
MSU/USFS Bottom Land Harwood Growth and Yield Model for Windows desktop
Bottom Land Cherry Bark Oak and Sweetgum Tree Grade Volume Calculator
Mississippi Institute of Forest Inventory Dynamiic Inventory Reporter